Tuesday, September 25, 2007

This is What Acceptance Looks Like

My first acceptance letter for a real "print journal!"

Dear Barrington Smith-Seetachitt,

I'm pleased to inform you that we at Sycamore Review are in love your
submission, "My Panda," and would like to include it in our fall/winter issue.
A hearty congratulations! You note in your cover letter that it is a
simultaneous submission, so as soon as you confirm that it hasn't already been
accepted elsewhere, we'll send a you contract in the mail.

Thank you for your submission. We look forward to hearing from you.

Is it a form letter? Are they "in love" with everything they accept? Probably, but still, it felt sooo nice!


  1. YAY!

    I don't think it's a form letter--there's a typo of sorts---"send a you contract"?

  2. a huge congrats, b! i'm so happy for you! and also a bit jealous... ;)

  3. Congrats B. I'm so happy for you!!

  4. Congratulations!
