Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Living with Rejection

Got a rejection yesterday that was slightly bigger than a check stub.
Alternately, one I got last week was on a full letter-size piece of printed stationary.

What do you think of this as a business idea...I could laminate the long narrow ones to use as book marks. Matte (sp?) and frame the larger ones to use as place mats. The quarter-page ones I could mount on doilies to use as hot-plate trivets, and some of the smaller ones could be refrigerator magnets...

The brand name is "Living with Rejection" and each piece of "functional art" carries (on the back or something) a statement certifying that it is an authentic, limited edition writer's rejection--no reproductions or recreations allowed.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:46 PM

    i think this is a brilliant idea.

