But maybe not in that order.
Sometimes I like to read Scott Meyer's Go Into the Story blog,
that is all about screenwriting, and also contains a million (yes,
hyperbole) links to other blogs and resources about screenwriting. He
adds content more frequently than I can keep up with, so I miss a lot,
but I check in occasionally and recently I happened upon this post,
where he recommends a formula of reading 1 script a week, watching 2
movies a week, writing 7 pages a week (one a day) and devoting 14 hours a
week to story prep. A I think his numbers are pretty good for
maintaining a steady practice and learning curve, but faced with hard
deadlines, one has to prioritize a little differently. In my own case, I
have to devote my highest hour count to pages of screenplays I'm
actively writing (and rewriting!) but this article was a nice little
wake-up call to the fact that I tend to let my script reading, and even
my movie watching, fall to the wayside in my desire to finish pages.
a delicate balance--because to a certain extent, it's helpful to put on
blinders and just keep running. But when I make myself read a script,
watch a film--I almost always pick up something useful for one of my
projects. Last night, while folding laundry I watched Mississippi Masala, a
Mira Nair film with a very young Denzel Washington. As public service
announcement, I'll note that you can watch the entire film on YouTube here. Tonight I started reading Monster's University, because
what better than a Pixar film for reinforcing all the basics--perfect
structure, characters with strong wants with obstacles, story beats that
hit right where they're supposed to. Too tired to finish tonight, but
something to look forward to when I wake up in the morning.
I was
interested that Meyers recommended more time spent on story prep than
writing (assuming that most people can write a page in an hour or less).
Also, I wondered what he regarded as story prep. From context, it
seems like he's referring to ideation, as opposed to extensive notes and
research for a single project, but maybe not--or maybe he's
deliberately loose in his definition. While I haven't been keeping a
notebook of late, I give myself credit for the fact that I'm writing a
short story to a prompt every week for the fiction class I'm taking, and
I think that has been keeping the creative taps open. I've also done
drafts of two longer stories that I'm pretty happy with for first
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