I was driving around the other day when the radio played a version of that Junior Kimbrough blues song, Done Got Old, which starts out with the phrase “Done got old, can’t do the things I used to do.”
This was shortly after a discussion where someone quoted somebody, saying that if we really lived truly in the present, each second, all the time, we would be able to feel the incremental decay of our own bodies.
Coming home to our housesit I picked up the mail and found this catalogue “First Street—for Boomers and Beyond.” Flipping through, I found myself laughing in that “shit—it’s so sad, but it’s funny cuz it’s horrible and completely common and true,” kind of way.
As you get older, you might need this:

It’s a clock that tells you what day it is. Say you don’t have much sense of time anymore, but your son comes to visit you on Sundays. You can just sit and watch the clock until Sunday rolls around.
And what if you get lonely while you’re waiting, but you can’t bend over anymore to clean a clean a litter box or put food in a bowl? No worries, you just need one of these:

With the help of two double D batteries, they actually “breathe” so you can take comfort in that feeling of having another body in the room, just like when your spouse was alive, and your family lived with you…
The catalogue of course frames it’s products in a less doleful light.
A Day Clock is for those who don't have to worry about punching in or out at work, who don't have to report for meetings at a specific time, who aren't tethered to a day planner and who need only remember which day to head to the golf course or grandkids house. Basically it's for those for whom time simply means leisure!
Put it that way, it sounds pretty good.
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