Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Years Intentions Post #2

Go to bed earlier.

The ideal would be 11pm I think. That would translate to a wake-up time of about 6:30 am, which would be really cool.

However, it's 1:25 a.m. and we just got home and I'm doing my staring-at-the-computer-screen-decompression thing. And, you know, writing a little blog post here. I'm a little sweaty and smoky from sweaty bars and smokey sidewalks, so maybe I should take a bath. I think we're lookin' at about 2 a.m. once again.

Still, I'm going to keep affirming on this one, for at least a good portion of the year. The process of affirmations is (I am told) this:

You begin an affirmation, say, for example, "I am going to consistently go to bed by 11pm."

At first you only remember after failing to enact: "Shit, I was going to go to bed early."
Then you notice during the process: "Damn, I want to go to bed earlier than two, but I'm still blogging at 1:30 a.m. and I can't seem to stop." But then you start to notice mid-process and change your behavior. "It's midnight, but that's an improvement. I'll go to bed now." And then, one day, you do go to bed at 11 p.m.. It feels pretty good, so you do it again. You do that a few times, then relapse but realize you feel like crap in the morning, and think how good you feel with enough sleep so you jump back on the pre-midnight wagon, and after've created a new habit.

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